Who We Are
Contributions of the Marlin Legacy Foundation
As a Non-Profit, 501C3, Texas Education Foundation, The Marlin Legacy Foundation can legally fund staff members and educators who are deemed to work in “non-essential” education capacities as defined by the state. Some examples of positions considered “non- essential” by the state are as follows:
Talented & Gifted Teachers
Campus Technology Coordinators
Special Teachers (Art, Music, PE)
Elective Teachers
Foreign Languages
Learning Labs
AP and Pre-AP Classes
Classes in Technology, Journalism, Debate, Statistics, Calculus, Biology II, Chemistry II, Creative Writing, Fine Arts
Band, Choir, Orchestra and Drama Programs
All Sports Programs
Bus Drivers
So what does this mean for the Port Aransas ISD?
The funds raised for “non-essential” education purposes will free up the Port Aransas ISD budget for those that fall outside the Marlin Legacy Foundation’s legal contribution capabilities. This means that all PAISD Educators and Staff will receive financial benefits from the contributions made by the Marlin Legacy Foundation.
Similar organizations exist throughout Texas such as The Eanes Education Foundation, The Alamo Heights Education Foundation, and The Carroll Education Foundation.